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Journal of psychiatric research

Journal Volume: 174
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 13

A prospective study on EEG default mode network associated with subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder following sexual assault

Association between maternal depression symptoms and child telomere length

Development of a brief bedside tool to screen women sexual assault survivors for risk of persistent posttraumatic stress six months after sexual assault

Efficacy of Esketamine among patients with treatment resistant depression in a 'real world' health-care setting in Israel

Lifestyle modification as intervention for seasonal affective disorder: a systematic review

Mild differences in the role of somatic symptoms in depression networks in pregnancy and postpartum: a comparison with women outside peripartum

Not missing at random: missing data are associated with clinical status and trajectories in an electronic monitoring longitudinal study of bipolar disorder

Positive mental health accounts for the relationship between insomnia symptoms and suicide-related outcomes

Psychiatric diagnoses, somatic disorders, and emergency dispatches among individuals who used a national suicide crisis line

PTSD, distress and substance use in the aftermath of October 7th, 2023, terror attacks in Southern Israel

The capacity of cognitive tests to detect generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): a pilot study

The relationship between anxiety symptoms and disturbances in biological rhythms in patients with depression

Trauma-informed behavioral supports (TIBS) for inpatient treatment of individuals who experience BPD